The top level object is the Order, an abstract class that is inherited by FoodOrder and BoxOrder. 顶层对象是Order,是FoodOrder和BoxOrder继承的一个抽象类。
You also define the top level make targets for building and cleaning your project. 您还为工程的构建和清除定义了最高阶层的make目标。
The process continues until the model reaches ecosystem integration as its top level. 这个流程将继续,直到模型达到其最高级别的生态系统集成。
You will find that we page cache four of the six top level menu choices. 您会发现我们会页面缓存六个顶端菜单中的四个。
This TOC entry is the top level of the help directory structure for this set of help. 这个TOC条目位于帮助集的帮助目录结构中的最高一层。
By default the selected measure is displayed across all dimensions; this is the top level of the cube. 默认情况下,选中的测量在所有的维度中显示,这是该多维数据集的最高级别。
As the figure shows, the top level of abstraction is elasticity, automated deployment, and utility computing. 如图所示,抽象的顶部是灵活性、自动部署和实用计算。
The mapping root is the top level input and output pair within the mapping. 映射根就是指映射内的根级别的输入和输出对。
When defined at the top level of a script, this becomes the global object. 如果在脚本的最顶层定义,this将成为一个全局对象。
At the top level, Wilby decides that CreativeGenius has three main capabilities: Market Games, Product Development and Manufacturing, and Risk and Financial Management. 在最高级别上,Wilby决定CreativeGenius拥有3个主要功能:游戏营销、产品研发和制造、以及风险和财务管理。
You can switch between views using the IBM toolbars or top level menus for the designer you are using. 您可以利用IBM工具栏或者所使用的设计器的顶层菜单在视图之间切换。
The two sides have established good working relations at the top level and between various government departments. 两国高层和各部门之间已经建立起良好的工作关系。
You set a milestone for Chinese swimmers in the middle distance swimming to be ranked the world top level. 你的成绩表明了中国游泳在中长距游泳比赛中已达到世界最高水平。
Items: specifies the top level files and filters in the selected project. 项:指定选定项目中的顶层文件和筛选器。
Only import top level summary tasks and milestones. 只导入顶层摘要任务和里程碑。
The company is at top level in this area in the world. 我公司在这一领域处于国际领先水平。
I am joining a team that is at the top level, there is not another level after Chelsea. 我加入了一个最高级别的球队,没有任何再比切尔西更高级别了的。
Interestingly, sub-page on the top level page. 有趣地,亚页在层次页上面。
Since becoming an Apache Software Foundation Top Level Project, site traffic and adoption have continued to grow significantly. 自从成为Apache软件基金会的顶级项目后,站点流量和使用呈持续增长态势。
Retrieves the top level control that contains this control. 检索包含此控件的顶级控件。
The targets that must be executed before this target can execute or top level dependency analysis can occur. 在执行此目标或者进行顶级依赖项分析之前必须执行的目标。
An absolute path describes the complete directory structure based on the top level directory, root (/). 一个绝对的路径描述以最上面的同高目录,根为基础的完全的目录结构。
Separators not allowed in top level menu. 在顶层菜单中不允许有分隔符。
It is possible for an XML document to use an extension tag as the top level element. 一个XML文档使用某个扩展标签作为顶层的元素是可能的。
The top level is the self-actualization need. 最高层是自我实现的需要。
The diagram, schematic and layout are often attached to the top level board assembly. 该原理图,示意图和布局图往往附着在顶端的板组装件中。
Ministerial Conference: The WTO's top level decision-making body; meets at least once every two years. 部长级会议:世贸组织的最高决策机构,至少每两年开一次会。
Manually deselect members to deny. New members added to the top level will be allowed. 手工取消选定所拒绝的成员。添加到顶层级别的新成员将被允许访问。
This technique has the added advantage of still having global services defined in a common top level domain. 这种技术还会带来额外的好处,它仍然拥有在一般的顶级域中所定义的全局服务。
They made me a top player and gave me the chance to play at the top level. 利物浦使我成为顶级球员,并给了我参加顶级比赛的机会。